Plendify | Reseller

Become A Plendify Reseller

As a Plendify Reseller, you can make money, anytime, anywhere!

Make Money | PlendifyYour time
Make Money | PlendifyYour own margins
Make Money | PlendifyBe the boss

It is easy as A-B-C to become a Plendify Reseller and make extra cash!


What is Plendify?

Plendify Inc , also known as Plendify B2B Marketplace and is an African technology company that focuses on e-commerce, retail, internet, and financial technology. We are one of Africa’s leading and most trusted online B2B marketplaces for small, medium, and large local wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, and importers. Businesses or consumers can buy from verified and trusted suppliers in bulk or retail quantities. Global payment options are accepted on the marketplace and we ship your purchased items to your doorstep anywhere in the world. Our leading categories include Food & Beverage, Building & Construction, Health & Wellness, Home & Industrial Appliances, and many more.

Why work with Plendify?

Earn extra money for your goals

Earn extra money for your goals

Achieve your goals by becoming a Plendify Reseller

Choose your hours

Choose your hours

This is not a full-time job. Set your own schedule and be the boss of your own time!

Easy to start

Easy to start

Just create an account today for free, discover items on the platform and share via WhatsApp with your network of family and friends.

Make what you want

Make what you want

Because you add your own margin to the product cost and delivery cost, you know exactly how much you will make when you make a sale!

How do I get started?

Glad you asked!

Step 1

Create a free account on or on our IOS App or Android App (search for Plendify B2B Marketplace)

What are our Resellers saying?

Edward Newgate

USA - New York

"Our dedicated engagement app and web portal allows you to sell and buy instantaneously (no tedeous form, long processes, or administrative hassle) and securely make payments!"